Nova's Documentary Newborn Session - Duvall, Wa

When I walked in to their house I knew this session was going to be special. Not only was baby Nova just the cutest thing ever, but the grandparents were there too! There’s something really special about having grandparents in your family’s newborn photos.

During a documentary newborn session we plan and time your session for the most active/alert time of day for baby. Hint: It’s typically during the morning. I come in, take a few minutes to meet your family, and just start documenting your family as we chat.

During baby Nova’s session he nursed, the grandparents oohed and awed over him (trust me, this would have happened even if I wasn’t there), he had his first bath, led by grandma who was a former labor and delivery nurse, they got him dressed and brushed his amazing hair (seriously check it out!) Then it was time for more baby cuddles, a quick walk around the neighborhood, and then some sleepy time cuddles in the house with everyone, including their pup.

Nova, you are so loved.