Tips for writing your birth story

Writing your birth story can be a meaningful way to process and document your unique experience of bringing your child into the world. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Set aside dedicated time to write: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus on your writing without interruption. It's helpful to choose a time when you feel relaxed and mentally alert.

  2. Gather your memories: Think back to the moments leading up to your labor, the labor process itself, and the first moments after your baby was born. Consider writing down any memories, thoughts, and feelings that come to mind.

  3. Decide on a structure: You might want to organize your birth story chronologically, or you may choose to focus on specific aspects of your experience, such as your physical sensations, your emotional state, or the reactions of those around you.

  4. Use sensory detail: Help your reader visualize your experience by incorporating sensory details. For example, describe the smell of the hospital, the feeling of the IV in your arm, or the sound of your baby's first cry.

  5. Reflect on your experience: Consider the impact that your birth experience had on you and your family. Reflect on what you learned about yourself, your strengths, and your limitations. Share any insights that you gained from the experience.

  6. Edit and refine: After you've written your birth story, take some time to review and edit it. Consider sharing it with a trusted friend or family member for feedback, and revise as needed.

Remember, your birth story is a deeply personal narrative that only you can tell. Write from your heart, and don't worry too much about getting it "right." The most important thing is to capture your experience in a way that feels authentic and meaningful to you.


But what if I can’t remember much from my birth?

It's common for some details of your birth to fade over time, especially if it has been a while since the experience. If you're struggling to remember details, don't worry - you can still write a meaningful birth story.

Here are some tips to help you write your birth story if you can't remember much:

  1. Start with what you do remember: Even if you can't remember every detail of your birth, try to focus on the things that do stand out in your memory. This might include the feelings you had during labor, the support of your partner or other loved ones, or the moment you first held your baby.

  2. Talk to others who were present: Consider talking to your partner, family members, or healthcare provider who were present during your birth. They may be able to fill in some details that you may have forgotten.

  3. Look at photos or videos: If you have photos or videos of your birth, take some time to review them. This can help jog your memory and give you some concrete details to include in your story.

  4. Focus on your emotions: Even if you can't remember specific details, you can still write about your emotions during your birth. Consider how you felt before, during, and after your birth, and try to describe those feelings as vividly as possible.

  5. Write in your own voice: Remember that your birth story is unique to you, and there's no right or wrong way to write it. Write in a way that feels authentic to you, using your own voice and style.

In the end, the most important thing is to capture the essence of your birth experience in a way that feels true to you, even if you can't remember every detail.


If you’re currently preparing to give birth and would like help preserving your birth story through photography, reach out to check my calendar!